Posted on : 20th May 2024
What is Growth Vs Fixed Mindset?

What is Growth Vs Fixed Mindset?

What is growth vs fixed mindset according to you? In one line, they are more of a matter of perspective. If you believe that through perseverance, optimism, and dedication, you can achieve almost everything in life, that is called a growth mindset. Conversely, if you look at challenges more than opportunities, “innate-ness” more than “acquired-ness”, and personal attack more than constructive criticism, it indicates the underlying fixed mindset at work. Taking one step ahead, if you think that these mindsets are innate, this thought itself comes under a fixed mindset. Know that you can always work on your mindset and bring about the desired changes.

Growth Vs Fixed Mindsets for Life

It is not always easy for you to distinguish growth vs fixed mindset, mainly because you may sometimes exhibit growth mindset tendencies in some areas of your life and fixed mindset tendencies in other areas of your life. However, you do tend to have a dominant mindset at play, hence growth vs fixed mindset activities can help you identify that dominant part.

What is a Growth Mindset?

Keeping aside growth vs fixed mindset for once, let’s focus primarily on the growth mindset. Now, what is a growth mindset? Research says that it is actually a kind of philosophy that dictates how you approach your personal and professional lives. It sees stepping stones to success in every failure, and it continuously pursues opportunities for learning, improvement, and growth.

What is a Fixed Mindset?

Answering what is growth vs fixed mindset, now comes the turn of defining a fixed mindset. Broadly speaking, it is an approach to life or rather a mode of thinking that hinders progress at both the personal and the professional level. Fear is commonly prevalent in such an approach, and it tends to set narrow boundaries for challenges, criticism, and ultimately the individual, thus demolishing human potential.

The Benefits of a Growth Mindset

The benefits of a growth mindset are many, which are extremely important to notice, especially considering the debate surrounding growth vs fixed mindset that’s vigorously been there for several years now. While there are diverse benefits of a growth mindset for entrepreneurs, it also positively impacts relationships and financial management. This is to say that a growth mindset affects almost every sphere of life.

4 Reasons Entrepreneurs Need a Growth Mindset

Through various growth vs fixed mindset activities, it is possible to transform your mindset for the best. But before delving into such activities, let’s go through four reasons that entrepreneurs need a growth mindset.

It Allows You to Move into New Fields

What is growth vs fixed mindset if not about a significant difference that is all about self-confidence, perseverance, and optimism? These very factors are what enable and empower entrepreneurs to move into new fields, all enthusiastic for experimentation and risk-taking.

It Fosters Resilience

A growth mindset instils resilience within your soul, and this makes entrepreneurs face every challenge that comes their way and achieve big. As one of the best benefits of a growth mindset, resilience reframes every challenge and every failure as growth and learning opportunities.

It Enables You to Iterate on Your Product

Since a growth mindset (which can be developed through diverse growth vs fixed mindset activities) makes you much more willing to experiment and much more willing to learn from feedback, it enables entrepreneurs to iterate their products and reap profits continuously.

It Keeps You Humble

In the battle of growth vs fixed mindset, it is only a growth mindset that actually keeps you humble with self-confidence, whereas a fixed mindset tends to lower your self-esteem and sometimes even make you resent others for their achievements and lose your humility.

The Impact of Mindset on Relationships

There are varied impacts of a growth mindset and a fixed mindset on relationships, personal or professional. While one may enhance the quality of all relationships, another may deter you from making a meaningful connection.

Fixed Mindset in Relationships

When you approach relationships with a fixed mindset, you bring in rigidity more than the flexibility required and defensiveness more than the understanding required. This becomes more like wanting to communicate your thoughts without actually trying to listen to the other.

Growth Mindset in Relationships

When it’s growth vs fixed mindset, the impact of a growth mindset is quite positive because it leads you and your partner to navigate every conflict and every obstacle with mutual support, trust, and connection. A healthy and evolving relationship is what stems from such a mindset.

The Role of Mindset in the Context of Financial Management

Success depends on the kind of mindset you have. Mindset shapes not only your attitude towards short-term and long-term financial planning, but it also determines whether you are able to overcome setbacks and emerge victorious in achieving your financial objectives.

Fixed Mindset and Finances

A fixed mindset often reduces the potential for risk-taking and wealth accumulation. Individuals who have this kind of mindset thus often face financial stress and challenges, which leads to stagnation. Effective financial management hinges heavily on flexibility, which a fixed mindset does not possess.

Growth Mindset and Finances

A growth mindset fosters financial stability and effective financial management. Since such a mindset makes you willing to take risks and confront every setback with great resilience and determination, it contributes to your financial well-being for good. It also enables you to pivot financial strategies based on the circumstances.

How to Identify the Growth Mindset?

By observing your behaviour in the face of not only setbacks and challenges but also opportunities, you can identify whether you have a growth mindset or not. A growth mindset typically includes having ambitious goals and a resilient spirit. If you have your ambitions and expectations set high while continuously learning new skills, and if you are perseverant and resilient in most situations, without being rigid and stubborn, that’s a growth mindset you have, which is willing to step out of any comfort zone.

Growth Vs Fixed Mindset Activities

Broadly talking about growth vs fixed mindset activities, growth mindset activities include learning new skills and acting on constructive criticism as effectively as possible, amongst others; whereas, fixed mindset activities include the avoidance of challenges (and thus, opportunities) and the act of giving up easily and not accepting even constructive criticism, amongst others.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset?

There are various ways to develop a growth mindset. Since such a mindset is not innate and can be developed through consistent thought, consideration, and practice, identifying your mindset through growth vs fixed mindset activities is of great significance. When you are self-aware, it opens the door to ongoing improvement and a better quality of life.

Realise That, Scientifically, You Can Improve

The ultimate key to developing a growth mindset is realising that skills can be acquired, intelligence can be cultivated, and mindset can be shifted for the better. Scientifically, you can change your mindset, and this awareness should suffice to propel you on the path forward.

Remove the ‘Fixed Mindset’ Inner Voice

Changing your mindset is mainly about changing your inner voice, and to do that, you need to first identify the ‘inner voice’ of your fixed mindset and the often pessimistic beliefs that come with it, such as “I am just not good enough to receive such a wonderful opportunity.” You are always good enough for everything. Believe that.

Reward the Process

Just like life is all about the journey rather than a destination, many things in life work in the same way. You have to learn to appreciate that journey and reward the process. It will be further enhanced when you acknowledge every single improvement in your mindset and just be conscious and mindful.

Get Feedback

When you actively seek feedback and work actively on the constructive points inherent in that feedback, it paves the way for a better version of yourself. So, seek feedback on your actions, behaviours, and personality as a whole, as who knows, what new you may learn about yourself, and how empowered you may become.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Continuously trying to get out of your comfort zone is one of the symptoms that suggest you have a growth mindset. Also, it is one of the ways for you to cultivate a growth mindset. So, go out there and do things you have never done before and acquire skills you do not have. It will greatly boost your self-confidence.

Accept Failure as Part of the Process

Not everyone is able to accept failure as part of the process. This is because it takes great strength to surrender and transform failure into success through sustained learning and perseverance. You have to form a strong sense of self to build that strength.


Now that you understand what is growth vs fixed mindset, it is time to deploy growth vs fixed mindset activities to identify the type of mindset you have and take the steps necessary to change your mindset from a fixed one to that of growth. Constant practice and perseverance are the keys that you have to work on harnessing, but once you harness them, rest assured that the quality of your personal and professional life is all set to change for the better.

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